Thursday, February 17, 2011

SeMiNaR lAtIhAn dEbAt

Halo kengkawan...
Lme x jmperk...
kita bako je umah die..
kite sabojela yob,
entikanler...deme ghammei...
(dialog antoo kak limah balik umah..)

So actually....that's not the point is..
The point why i wrote this post is...

'The Bart'(Debat..)

You know what's that..

Baru-baru nih kelab skool kitorang(Kelab Debat) mengadakan satu seminar or lbih kurang macam sesi sahaja..
At there...kitorang ditrain for debate yang akan diadakan x lma lgik..
actually i'm not going there(the competition) becouse juz the senior debater will go there..

What i wanna story is...
everything happen in the debate room..
is juz like a family room..
we discuss...

we debates...

we laught...

and we happy...

juz like a family...

I hope it will not stop..
Never And Ever...

And...thats it...
from me...

Abu Ridzuan